The Chanel that is Always in Style

The interlocked two Cs which are imprinted on all our minds are associated with the much-loved luxury brand, Chanel. If you are into fashion, clothes, and accessories or just plain anything under the sun, the chances are high that you have heard of the iconic brand. The
Chanel classic flap bag is a staple in almost every woman’s wardrobe. This bag goes with all styles, looks good, and makes its presence felt even with the simplest outfit.

The original 2.55 Chanel shoulder bag was designed sometime in 1929 by the even more iconic Coco Chanel. At the time the bag was held on to like a clutch by the wealthy women of the society. However, of course, they sought something more convenient to carry the bulk and leave their hands free. The design was reinvented in 1955 and bags were now carried on the shoulders by the very same wealthy who could afford and carry it.

This was a revolutionary concept in the fashion industry since bags with the ability to be carried were almost unheard of. This design then gave rise to a whole new area of design and the freedom to get creative with the straps. The Chanel black caviar bags are the evolved version of these.

It is also interesting to note that the very lock, with the double Cs, that distinguishes the trademark Chanel style from that of any other brand, did not even make its début until the 1980s. The spinoff of the Chanel classic flap was the first to feature this lock which previously bore the classic mademoiselle lock the flap bags still carry.

Another iconic Chanel staple, the leather straps also showed up a lot later. The first shoulder bags carried chain straps. The change was a fresh wave and today, bags with both styles of straps are a part of the Chanel catalog. Depending on what your style is, if the 2.55 or the Chanel black caviar is your vibe, you can get different locks and straps with these bags. However, you can’t mix and match and customize the flap bags.

Selecting the design that resonates the most with you and investing in it for long-term joy and satisfaction is the right and only way to buy a Chanel. It is not just a bag or an accessory, it is a whole status symbol and for the most part, should be treated with the same reverence.

The classic black Chanel is considered a safe, chic, and absolute go-to for your first forage into the luxury brand market. It is a fail-safe and the safest bet in buying something worth the cost and definitely something that has never and will never go out of style. Buying a luxury bag can be considered a hefty investment, at least for those who are indulging themselves the first time.

Thus, it is very essential that you are not only happy and satisfied but also elated and proud of your first purchase. This will be something that will hold a sentimental value for you today and even later in life. Be it a young girl or a grown woman, a good purse can uplift the outfit and your mood exponentially!

There is only you stopping yourself from achieving this joy. Most people consider the Chanel bags as worth the investment, if you can afford them then more people are happier investing in them, of course. If you are capable and can afford to take care of all your other needs then treating yourself to this one beauty is fair game.
